It's Demo Time

So we have officially owned the house for a week. It already feels like more, maybe it is the aching back and the blistered fingers talking, but it feels like I have done more than just a week of work. So what have we done? A lot of demo, that's what. There is nothing more satisfying the tossing out the old stuff to make way for the new.

So let's check out the progress.

Remember that awesome red cabinets? The blue carpet? The gaudy chandelier?

Gone! Gone! Gone!
And it feels so good. Well actually, I feel exhausted. My fingers are blistered from the HUNDREDS of staples I pulled out of the floor. But really I can't complain. Wood floors were actually a surprise. We were told there wasn't wood floors underneath the carpet. Thank goodness they were wrong. So the next step for the dining room is paint. In addition to demo, we have started to prime all the paneling and cabinets. As for the chandelier that so many of you loved, well I have other plans for that.

The next thing to go was the crazy huge built in bed in the master bedroom.


It was a beast, and somehow Nick removed it all on his own, what a man. We removed the carpet here first. The carpet had been installed around the bed, so when the bed was removed it revealed the wood floors underneath. Unfortunately the wood floors stop, as you can see in the picture. The house was remodeled in 1980 and they made the front porch a part of the house,so the wood floors cut off when they reach the old porch. So now we need to figure out what to do with the plywood floors. This issue is also true for the living room. We just picked up some free parquet flooring that we are going to play around with. Should be interesting.

Next, Nick tackled the kitchenette.

Again, just like magic...

Gone.  Now we just need to install the washer and dryer. I think I am going to wait for someone stronger to come help Nick with that project. I am learning that I am not really as strong as I need to be for a lot of these projects.

Nick also demo'd the upstairs shower. There was shelving above the shower that made it impossible for Nick to stand up. That made three showers in the house too small for Nick. I guess they were short, or maybe just not 6'4". Nick has also been dealing with all of the plumbing issues that have come up. Quite a few corroded pipes, but apparently Nick has learned a thing or two. Most of the plumbing is again in working order.

We have also made a few discoveries. Some too gross to share. Just ask Nick what he found when he removed the cabinets in the kitchen. 

We found this weird dog run on the side of the house. What do we do with this? 

We also discovered this remote controlled awning. That's right people, remote controlled. We had had the remote, but no idea what it controlled. Then we put two and two together and bam! Magic.

It has been a long hard week, but Nick and Juniper were able to cap it off with a first dip in the pool.

Life isn't so bad after all.

Until next time.


  1. I don't know why I have so much trouble getting a comment published. I'm not typing that again until I see this works. Sigh.

    1. Okay... I "told" you I saw that retractable awning! I assumed it was broken since no one ever mentioned it. How great to have retractable shade! I can't believe we never saw that dog run. How do you access it? Is that a doggy door on the house? But it would go into a basement room up at the ceiling, wouldn't it? Weird indeed. Great work so far, you guys. I hope Juniper is helping. Sullivan misses you, but he understands that he needs to be with us for awhile. Besides, he loves us!

  2. Wow, wow, wow! You are ANIMALS! You are kicking butt on that house! I'm very impressed!


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