Summer Goals 2017

 I am a goal setter.  I can't help it.  I have always been highly motivated, and I enjoy setting and hopefully meeting my goals.  This is especially important in the summer.  I can easily waste my whole summer just laying around and reading.  This isn't necessarily bad, but there are so many other things I want to do, and my life is to busy during the school year.  So this is my chance.  I must seize the summer and make things happen.  So here goes.

Goal #1 Organize and Purge
I think this is basically my goal every year.  I am a pack rat, my husband is a pack rat, and we are raising two soon-to-be pack rats.  So unless I have a lobotomy, this is my life.  So I need to take some time and organize the stuff I have and get rid of the junk.  It is okay to let things go.  My plan is to have a garage sale, and then donate what doesn't sell.  Soon, I hope.

Goal #2 Write
I want to blog more, and get started on my award winning juvenile literature series that is going to make me millions and allow me to retire in style.  Too big of a goal?  Okay, maybe I will never win an award, but I do want to write a juvenile lit book.  I'm trapped in the teen world, I might as well capitalize on it, right?  So this summer, I just want to get started.  I have no grand illusions that I will finish it, but a start would feel good.

Goal #3 Finish Kitchen 
This needs to happen.  The finish line is so close.  I can do this.  Really there are so many things I would love to change, but at this point I just want to finish the last details, meaning finish painting, hang lights and actually out the knobs on the doors that I bought 2 years ago.  I can do this.

Goal #4 Deck
With the pool fixed, I want to hook up the outside areas.  I am going to power wash, then stain the deck.  It is looking really drab.  I also want to paint the outside of the pool.  The 90s look of it is not cool. Then new furniture, storage and chill.

Goal #5 Demo Bathroom
I know we don't have the money for a bathroom remodel, but the bathroom is really not usable and needs to be overhauled.  My goal is to demo it this summer, and then rebuild next summer.  I will do a post about why I would concoct such a weird plan.  It makes sense to me.

Goal #6 Make Plans
This may seem lame, but I am not good at making plans with people in advance.  I just call people last minute to see what they are up to.  This rarely works in the summer.  People are just so busy.  So I am going to try to actually make plans with people in advance.  Wish me luck.  This might actually be the hardest goal I set for myself.

Goal #7 Camping
We know we are planning on going to Michigan to see family in July, so we want to camp somewhere on the way.  No plans yet.  All I know is the kids want to camp.  I think we can make that happen.

So that is my list so far.  If I add any more, I am afraid I would be setting myself up for failure.  7 is good.

So what are your summer goals?

Until Next Time...


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