Juniper's Room

Juniper spent a week at my parent's house, so I decided to redo her room as a surprise.

Let's look back at the evolution of her room.

We started with blue walls, wallpaper and dark blue carpet.

This is what it looked like before we moved in. The One Direction posters are not Juniper's.

This is from right after we moved in. I am not a fan of the dark carpet, and even checked underneath to see if there was hardwood.  The carpet is new, so I decided we would work with it for awhile.  Juniper wanted a pink room, so we bought a can of pink paint from the ReStore. After stripping off the one wall of wallpaper, we painted.

Juniper liked it, but I was not a huge fan. It was just too dark for me. So I decided to repaint two of the walls white to brighten things up a bit.

The blue carpet, and single window still make it dark, but it is definitely better.

I am really just happy to get everything arranged and art up on the walls. 

Lets take a closer look.

I actually made this dresser last summer for Sullivan's room. It is a map of St Paul. I wish I had a before picture, because this dresser was not looking good. It had a drawer with a broken corner that I fixed using Qwik Wood. It is like molding clay. I molded it to fit the corner then sanded andcpainted the whole dresser a fun pea soup green, another ReStore purchase. I then cut the map and affixed it with modge podge. To protect it, I applied several layers of Poly Acrylic. I think it looks great. I also made a map of the United States coffee table.

This has been really fun to have, we use it all of the time to talk about where people live. The poly acrylic is really durable and even repels water. I was totally surprised at how well it has handled spills.

But I digress, back to Juniper's room.

The wooden letters from her old room, hand painted in rainbow colors.

Juniper had pink curtains in her old room, but they were really faded. So I got a flat sheet at the thrift store and sewed panels on to the old curtains. They are bright and fun...and super cheap.

I love the antique wall shelf that we got at a garage sale years ago, it is a perfect place to put toys and her prized piggy bank.  We actually had two, so we put one up in Sullivan's room too.

This is the perfect display for Sullivan's most treasured possession, his Thomas the Train Storybook Collection. We read it every night.

We got Juniper a loft bed last summer, from a garage sale of course. I made panels out of an old wallpaper sample book. I love the mix of patterns. I then made a little curtain, again out of a thrift store sheet.  It is all very cute and girly.  She absolutely loved the surprise. She is just so much fun to do things for. Check her out at the reveal...


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