
Happy Holidays! Yes, I know I am a little late, but I asked for extra time this Christmas, so here we go.

We were very excited to decorate our new home for the season. Juniper, helpful, and Sullivan, not helpful, worked with me to put up the Christmas tree. We do not have a real tree, I am not into the maintenance. I felt like I was in a Christmas movie as I toiled with the Christmas lights. I did get them untangled and on the tree, only to have a section in the middle go out. Isn't that just the way of things?
The kids really enjoyed putting the ornaments on the tree, so much so that Sullivan continued to do it for the entire month of December.  Juniper picked out a new tree topper, and we discovered the added bonus of a glitter ceiling in combination with Christmas lights.

Our last house did not have a fireplace, so no mantle and no stockings. So this year we started all sorts of new traditions. We put up stockings for everyone. I still need to find the perfect ones, and add names, but they were up. Juniper's was very glittery so there was glitter all over the house, literally floor to ceiling.

 The other big change was actually waking up at our house Christmas morning. We have always traveled to Wisconsin for Xmas, but with the new house we wanted to spend some quality time with just us. Don't worry, we didn't ditch our families, we left later that day for Wisco.  But it was a nice morning of opening presents and starting in on all the candy.

I am loving the wide hearth that acts as additional seating, but it is cold. So I am going to make some cushions...sometime, maybe, I hope.

I did actually break out the sewing machine already. I made infinity scarves for all the ladies in the family

 and a sequined skirt for Juniper.

This is Juniper in all her Christmas glory, the skirt that I made, socks from Santa and rainbow suspenders with wings from Sullivan. I think she looks like Punky Brewster.

Juniper and I also made salt dough ornaments for family and friends. Sullivan only broke a couple:)

All in all it has been a great holiday season with lots of fun crafting time for all.  

Stay tuned for the next post about Juniper's room. She stayed with my parents over break, so I finished her room as a surprise. I hope she likes it.


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