Moving on in...

So the big push finally happened and we are officially all moved in. It is great. The new house is really functional for our lifestyle and we are enjoying being able to actually be here. So we have been unpacking and getting settled. I think we will probably being do that for quite a while.

This past weekend it was all about my clothes. I was just plain sick and tired of pulling clothes out of boxes at 5:30 in the morning. So while Nick was cleaning the old house, I went on an organizing binge and finally put clothes into our closets. Since Nick was not here, I might have taken over part if his closet. I really couldn't help it, I have more stuff than he does. Can you really blame me?

I repurposed the changing table as makeshift shelves. It might not look pretty, but it works for the time being. I over utilized the hooks inside the closet, but I just love me some cardigans. I can't help it, midwest girls know how to layer.

So with the clothes unpacked I turned my attention to the bedroom floor issue.  If you remember the wood flooring stops halfway through the room, and the remaining half is plywood.

Not only is it not pretty, it is drafty and it is getting cold outside. Originally we had planned to get creative with some parquet, but Nick hated it after seeing how beautiful the wood floors came out. So we opted for some carpet remnant. It is super comfy, and actually kind of a fun purple shag. It is mostly covered by the bed anyway, so the wood floors get most of the focus anyway.

We just threw the bed on the ground at first, but are now contemplating ditching our bed frame permantly and maybe just putting the bed on some pallets or something. The kids love playing in our bed, so this way when the fall off it isn't very far to fall. The major downside is getting out of bed. My body is destroyed from all the work, so I am feeling it when I try and get up every morning.

I love having a room on a different level than the kids. This way we have warning when they are coming to wake us, you can hear them coming down the stairs. Plus we don't disrupt them after they go to sleep. We just shut the door and ignore them, it is glorious :)

So my next step is to get my bathroom organized. It is tiny. I am not sure where to fit everything. It is going to be a challenge. I see a dollar store trip in my future. They have tons of cheap organizing stuff.


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