Summer Goals

So technically it is not really the beginning of summer, I have one more week of professional development, but the students are close enough. With the beginning of summer finally here, I can take some time to chill and think about myself for a change. I am a big goal setter, so here are my summer goals:

Goal #1 Finish my masters
This goal has been 10 years in the making. I have put it off and put it off. I just need to bite the bullet and get this paper finished. I have been teaching for awhile, so the content of the capstone is easy, I just can't find long periods of time to sit down and write. So this summer I put both kids in summer school. I feel slightly guilty, only slightly though, I just can't get anything done with them around.

Goal #2 Finish the kitchen
I have all the materials, and thought I would have it done last summer. I did a lot, but the tile is the last hurdle to call it complete. I made some tile accents last summer the got ruined, so I have to redo them. I was so annoyed, I just stopped. So I need to get over it and dig back in.

Goal #3 Blog more
I tend to become a homebody in the summer. I know that this is opposite of the rest of the world, but I have a pool and a reading addiction. So I figure, blogging is kind of like being social. Plus, it will give me breaks from writing my masters (see goal #1)

Goal #4 Build stuff
Somehow I have become the person in charge of the newly purchased vacant lot by my school. So with the help of some student volunteers, I plan on trying to build seating out of pallets. Not sure how this is going to go, but I think it will be fun trying anyway.

Goal #4 Sunroom Piano
This goal is really 2 in 1. In order to get a piano, we need to finish the floors. Again, we have the materials, we just need to find some solid hours of work time. This is never easy with small children, but since I have become the mean mom who doesn't allow screen time on week days, my kids have become much more able to entertain themselves for longer time periods. (Hey you, other parents, you should try this too. Too much screen time is bad for kids. Remember the whole masters thing, I kind of know what I am talking about :)

Goal #5 Vacation
Now this is a tricky one. First of all, look at all those other goals, when am I going to fit in a vacation? Also, who gets to go and where? Do I go and hang with my college girls, or visit my sister and help her with the new baby? Does the whole family travel to see family, or road trip somewhere else all together? We have very limited funds until we sell our other house, so choosing isn't easy. That brings me to the next goal.

Goal #6 Sell House
Having 2 homes has not been pleasant. My husband and I were not made to be landlords. I am so ready to sell the other house. For awhile, it made me sad to think about really saying goodbye. We love that house. But then our old neighbor offered to buy it, so it is kind of staying in the family. Unfortunately, there have been some extenuating circumstances in both our situations that have been slowing down the progress. Here's hoping this deal finally goes through this summer. The sooner, the better.

Goal #7 Organize
I hate cleaning, but I love organizing. I am never going to be one of those people who moves into a tiny home. I have way too much stuff, and I like it. But I also hate having stuff in the house that we don't use, or can't find. Soi want to make my house more functional for everyone. My husband got me a label maker, so by golly, I intend to use it.

So that is all for now. I hope everyone has a great start to the summer. What are your goals?

Until Next Time...


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