This post should be about all the projects I have finished.

This post should be about all of the projects I have been working on, but it's not. Why? Well I have been too busy with other stuff to get much done. A few things here and there, but not enough for a whole post. I really hope to do that soon. 

So what have I been doing with all this free time? I have been doing a lot of writing, I am up to 85 pages on my masters! I can see the light. I am almost done. I am working on formatting, citations and appendices, so many appendices. I would like to say I am proud of it, but at this point I am just done. I want to read fiction, not educational pedagogy. I love being a teacher, don't get me wrong. I am deeply committed to my students and to my job. But I work my ass of all year, so I can have a life for a few weeks in the summer. So I just want to be done because before I know it, it will be time to start planning for next year. I need a break, a real break.

 Now I did have a vacation, I will admit. A real vacation where I wasn't changing diapers and pushing waking up with a toddler. I spent a glorious few days on the east coast with my college girls, my hens. We try and get together in one form or another every year.

This year we met at one of the hen's house on the coast of Maine. The setting was ideal and the company was exactly what I needed.    

I am so fortunate to have such strong, smart and downright hilarious friends. I can't believe I thought about not coming because of the expense. It was worth every penny. 

 We relaxed, caught up on the hard times and the struggles, reminded ourselves of our strengths and our talents, reminisced about our college days and made plans for the future.  I really can't describe what an amazing group of woman the hen's are. Facebook is a great tool to help us stay in touch, but being able to spend some solid time reconnecting is priceless. I hope we do this for the rest of our lives. These are my golden girls!

 We mostly ate and talked, with some kayaking, boating and croquet thrown in for good measure. It was a wonderful few days. 

 I extended my trip a bit and traveled to Portland to spend time with my friend Anni.

Then I set off for a day in Boston before I returned home to my family. I love to travel, but sometimes it's just as nice to come home again.

 Since returning home, it has been all about surviving the heat. Unfortunately our pool is down for the count. We tried to fix it, but we just don't have the know how or the skills to do it. I am beyond disappointed. We can't really afford to pay to fix it, so it is just the summer of no pool. Even writing this makes me sad and frustrated. It was just so hot!

 I did some major 'adulting' this week, yuck. After spending a couple of hours each day watching Juniper play soccer and talking with other parents about hearing loss and hearing aids, I came home and went through the mountain of medical bills that I have been ignoring. I try not to stress, it is just money. But it is frustrating to see all the bills pile up knowing I don't have the money to pay them all. When we sell our old house, we can pay off our bills, but that means no money for house updates. Oh well. I am so lucky in so many other ways, I can let that go. Money is not something I really value, or I would have it. Instead, I have beautiful friends, caring students, supportive co workers, and an amazing husband and children. Life isn't so bad after all.

 So there are many projects I still hope to get done. The big ones being the kitchen and the sunroom.  They have been started, it is the finishing that I worry about.

Until next time.


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