June is over already?

Every summer I am shocked at how fast June goes by. Some one tricked me years ago into thinking that I had June off. The truth is, my last day of work was June 18th, which means June was half over before my vacation actually began. I always seem to spend a couple of days just re cooperating from all of the end of the school year stresses, while doing some pre-planning for the next school year. So before you know it, June is gone. So this year, I tried to set goals for the summer, and keep a day planner to help keep me on track. 

   So how have I been doing?

 My masters. This has been taking up most of my time. I am writing and revising hours every day. My final capstone will be 5 chapters. I have 4 chapters drafted and am feeling pretty confidant about it. Sometimes I go back over what I wrote, and am actually impressed. It has been a few years since I wrote an academic paper, so I am glad it is coming back to me. I have been teaching for over 10 years, and often don't think about what I am doing, I just do it. So it can be a struggle to remember all the terminology and educational jargon. It is coming back to me though. But I don't think I will be pursuing a doctorate any time soon.  I am a much better teacher than academic. So I am feeling happy about my progress, and I am giving myself an end of July deadline. No more homework in August!

   Blogging. Well obviously I am doing that, whether it is any good, I guess I don't care right now. I just need to get into the habit of doing it. My goal is weekly, and so far I have made that goal. It has only been two weeks, but I'll take it. Yay me!  

 Vacation. I booked a vacation to see my hens in the middle of July. I am really excited to see my girls, but I feel really guilty for leaving my husband and children, again. Why again? Because I am currently writing this post from Colorado. I came out a few days ago to help my sister take care of her children. She just had a new baby, plus she has a 17 month old. I don't know if I would really catagorize  this as a vacation though. When I think of a vacation, I think relaxation or adventure, not diapers and temper tantrums. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to spend time with my nephews, they are so cute. I mean just look at those faces.
I am exhausted though. These two babies, plus the elevation have been kicking my ass. In the small amount of free time I have I have been trying to work on my masters. It has not been easy, I'm just so flipping tired all the time. It is worth it though. Not only do I get quality time with my nephews, I have been bonding with my sister. It can be hard to have family so far, so I am glad I get to spend this time with them. I am hoping to see some of my Denver peeps while I am out here too.

As for my other goals...well those are on hold until I am back home in Minnesota. It is kind of hard to do any home improvement projects from 1000 miles away.

Until next time.


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