Dining Room China Cabinet

So I need your help.  We have a built in China Cabinet in our Dining Room and I am just not sure what to do with it.  It is a fake laminated wood, like all of the built ins in the house.  I am not crazy about the wood tone, it is hard to tell in the pictures, but it has a greenish tint that I am not crazy about.  So something needs to change.

Here is a picture of the dining room from before we moved in.

And this is after we ripped down the wallpaper, painted the paneling and re-did the floors.

I left the built in cabinet as is for years, but I am just not sold on it.  I like the color of wood table,   so I thought about trying to stain the cabinet to match, but since the built in is laminated wood, that wasn't really an option.  So it has just stayed the same, until yesterday...

I decided that I want to paint it.  So I primed it in preparation for paint, I just need to figure out what color to paint it.  So I went to Pinterest for some inspiration.

When I first moved in, I thought I would paint it navy.  

Navy is being used as a neutral in some designs now-a-days. I like to think of it as the home decorating version of a pair of jeans. 

I have since decided that I am going to incorporate more black accents, and I already have a lot of turquoise and robin's egg blue, so I am not sure about the navy anymore.

I could coordinate with the kitchen, and paint it a teal to match some of the kitchen cabinets and all the other accents in the room.

I also love the addition of the map on the inside of this one.  If you have read my blog at all, you know my obsession with maps.

Another option is painting it white to match the paneling.  

This is obviously a pretty safe decision, but since the dining room doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight, keeping it white might help to brighten up the space.  

My friend suggested that I add a warm color, since I have so many blue and green accents in the dining room and kitchen.  So, I could add coral to the inside of the cabinet, leaving the outside white or light blue.

Or I could pain the whole cabinet coral!

This would definitely brighten up the room, but I am not sure if I am that daring.

This is where you come in...what do you think?

Here are two awful rendering of my 2 top choices (at this point anyway)


So what do you think?

Do you like any of these options?  

A different suggestion?  

Let me know, I need your help!!!!!!

Until Next Time...


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