Craft Room

Okay, so it has been awhile...a really long while. You know how it is, life happens and gets in the way of all the stuff you are trying to get done.

There has been stuff getting done, I swear. I just didn't want to post until they were done, done. That may be awhile, so here is the first in a series of updates.

First off, I never posted about the craft room. The craft room is almost done, it is just a mess ALL of the time, so I couldn't get any good pictures. But that is what a craft room is for, right? I use it, the kids use it, plus it becomes a space for all our recycling etc. so it is not always pretty, but it is hella functional.(sorry about that, I lived in Cali for a bit, so sometimes I have to break out the old lingo)

Anyway, here she is...somewhat before. Really this is after we'd tried it out as a breakfast area for awhile. We had a table and chairs in here, but found we ate at the kitchen counter and dining area, so we could use it as a craft space.

 Not always pretty, but we love having the space to put stuff, as you can see from the picture. 

I stole the table from the upstairs bathroom, I think it was supposed to a vanity? Not functional there, but awesome in the craft room. The rest of the shelving is a mix of ReStore and Ikea purchases. Those are definitely my 2 favorite places to shop. What can I say, I'm on a budget, yo.

I added some shelves, filing cabinets, chairs and wallah.....

It is really bright because of the sliding glass doors. It feels a bit like a fishbowl at night, but it's glorious during the day, and in summer I can see and hear the kids in the backyard.

I had so much fun with boxes and containers. I don't know why I love them so much.

I covered shoe boxes with old wallpaper, scrapbook paper and maps, except for the Star Wars shoe box, it was perfect as is.

I love the open ikea shelves, they are easy to customize to any space. I have them here, and in the kitchen. We reused old lumber by putting iron on edging that we got from the hardware store. Super easy.

I love the space, I definitely craft more and the large Ikea cabinet is great for storing stuff that we can access easily. I store art stuff, kid stuff, and pool stuff in the summer.

It is a really flexible and bright space. It is one if the reasons I really like the new house. It fits our lifestyle better. We definitely have pack rat tendencies, but it is all in the name of creativity. We like to be surrounded by art. I love patterns, fabrics and papers, baubles and all sorts of ephemera. The kids love it too. One thing you can't tell is that the kids got into my glitter. There is a sheen if glitter over all the tables and floors. It shimmers in the sunlights and gets all over everything, glitter is insidious.

Until next time...


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