
So I have this hallway issue.  When we moved in, all I saw everywhere was wallpaper.  Every single room was covered in wallpaper.  Now don't get me wrong, I like a good wallpaper, but the hallway wallpaper was not a good wallpaper.  It was brown floral 70s yuck.

So what's a girl to do? Rip it all down, right?  Well that is exactly what I did, almost immediately.  This turned out to be bad idea.  The walls that the wallpaper were on, were old, textured, not quite  what I would call drywall.

 So now what?  My options were to rip the rest of the wallpaper down, and then skim coat.  This is probably the best idea, but that is not what I chose to do.  That would make too much sense, and wouldn't be crafty at all.  So I went for a second option, wallpaper over the wallpaper.

I love paper, wallpaper samples and decoupage.  So I decided to get all crazy crafty and create wallpaper stripes in the hallway.  Sounds crazy, right?  It is, but it is just a hallway, so I got started anyway.

I started with maps, of course and created my first stripe. Then...6 months later I added more, until one side was complete.

I even kept one stripe of the original wallpaper for fun.  This side was done with mostly pinks and oranges, so the other side I went with blues and greens.

The highlight for me is the reuse of the Empire Strikes Back wallpaper.  We wallpapered our bathroom with the wallpaper that we had scavenged from Nick's parent's attic.  It took me forever to convince Nick to use it, then we promptly moved.  So i took it with us.  I steamed all of it off the bathroom walls.  Nick thought I was crazy, but look.  I was able to reuse it!

Now the plan is to paint over the original wallpaper that is still there in the rest of the hallway with a light grey.  I know you are not supposed to paint over wallpaper, but I already learned that pulling it down doesn't work, so I am going to do it anyway. I want to rip out the carpet too, but Nick won't let me...so we will see who wins that fight :)

I know it looks weird, but that is totally my style...I love it and that is all that matters.

Until next time...


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